Concert Coming Up April 16


I have been invited to give a concert at the Cafe' Carpe in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin along with singer-songwriter and extraordinary guitarist Pete Jonsson on Saturday, April 16 from 8:30 - 11 p.m. This is less than an hour from Madison, Wis. and about an hour drive from Milwaukee and Rockford, Illinois. I hope to see all my local friends, family and fans there. It will only be great if you can be there! Thanks for your wonderful support and encouragement over the years.

Back in 2007 when I started performing my original folk music professionally again, I dreamed of playing at the Cafe' Carpe. In 2010, that dream became a reality. This lovely folk club is still among my favorite places to play.

Why do I love sharing music at the Cafe' Carpe?

Because of the audience first and foremost. I can interact with audience members in the listening room in a way not possible in a noisy cafe' space where some people are conversing and others are trying to listen. Second, the sound is amazing. It's not only that they have high-quality equipment, though they do. There is something about the space that lends itself to acoustic music. Third, the owners are good folk who love music as much as I do. They frequently host internationally touring acts with well-established fan bases. I am still emerging and working to grow awareness of my music, so playing the Cafe' Carpe is such an honor. It helps me as an artist. I feel inspired and grateful. It's simply a pleasure to play there. If you live within driving distance of the Cafe' Carpe and have not enjoyed a concert there yet, I encourage you to do so at your earliest opportunity.

About the Concert

This concert will feature some favorites from my previous albums, songs I have written over the years that haven't made it onto albums, and new songs written within the past six months. Pete Jonsson and I will take turns sharing music, and I know you will enjoy what he brings to the stage. This is an outstanding listening room experience you won't want to miss if you're in the area.

See the event on Facebook.


Opening for Danika Holmes at the Brink Lounge this Thursday!


All The Way benefit album now available!